Wednesday, August 20, 2008

School anyone?

So you know the fun part about starting school on your birthday? Well once they find out they want to sing to you... As many of you know when I am in a new and unfamiliar situation I'm a little quiet and shy, and so by fun I mean totally embarrassing!

In case you didn't get it... I started school, well not so much school as "boot camp" for nursing school. Basically they tell you about a few things you'll be doing and give you a tour of the classrooms, practice labs, and testing areas. Our class is HUGE, the biggest ever for Amarillo College. There are over 100 students, and out of them I actually know one LoL.

Monday starts my full school schedule, I'm excited but nervous. I am only going to work at PAC on an "as needed" basis on days I agree upon, no more working every weekend and crazy hours. I will be working thurs and fridays at the surgery center, and class, or time for practice labs on the other days.

Really for now though I am hoping I feel better by then! Who wants to start school with a sinus infection? OOhh OOhh not me! Speaking of I am thinking they are going to send me to an ENT because this is my third one since the middle of June...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! I'm so glad you are finally starting school. I know you have been waiting for this day for a loooong time. It must feel good to finally be on the road to completion!

Yes. Yes. Yes. ENT. Get to the root of the problem. Stop getting so many sinus infections. :)

Keep us posted!
