Tuesday, February 24, 2009

KC, couch potato, and clinicals

Last week Kevin spent the week in Kansas City working. He worked a lot, and got to see a new place or two. In the meantime I went to pick up the car he had picked out for me. I was cautiously excited. It is going to be okay, but does need a little bit of work done. Kev's work is right next to a mechanic and they are going to take a look and we'll go from there.

Over the last month or so Kev, our friend Chris, and I have been following a running routine called couch potato to 5k. It's a 9 week program to go from not running to running three miles on a regular basis. We are currently on week 3. The first day is always the hardest but by the end of the week we are ready to move on. I am loving it. It took a little convincing to find someone to do it with me and once Chris agreed Kev was on board as well. I find that I always feel better after the run, even if I was in a HORRIBLE mood before starting. I haven't run like this since before my surgery, when I was running on an almost daily basis. I really enjoy it and am glad that I finally decided to get back into it. I can't wait until we get to week 10 and we'll be able to run 3 miles regularly.

Next thursday is my first day of clinicals!! I am super nervous and hope things go well! I finally have all of my uniform ready and am getting my patches sewn on today so here goes nothing! :)

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