Wednesday, April 9, 2008


So on Monday (much to my boss' dismay *rolls eyes*) I took a HESI exam. It tested my math skills, reading comprehesion, and vocab and general knowledge. I had bought the study guide and studied a little, but was mostly disappointed with not so much the guide itself, but the content is easier than I was expecting, considering it is a part of the entrance to nursing school with a 14% chance of starting this fall. I did very well, even the nursing teaching staff I had to turn my scores into were impressed. :) go me!! I got a 96% in math, a 93.62% in reading, and 98% in vocab. With an average of 95.87% I earned myself 5 more points. So I am hoping that 11 (maybe 12, not sure) out of 14 points will be higher than 600 other students and I can start in the fall... I am keeping my fingers crossed that I can start! Now all there is to do is to wait... I hate that part, atleast another month before I know anything else.


Anonymous said...


I'm sure you'll get in- you worked hard and it shows!

When do you find out?

Shelly said...

well the final grades for the college come in on May 9th, so in the 2 weeks following that they will mail letters out to everyone saying yay or nay