Thursday, October 4, 2007

what are you thinking roxie?

Okay so this wasn't what I planned to blog about today but the cat is going crazy! She is hiding in my legs under the laptop where I am sitting indian style. If I put the laptop over her head she hits it with her head and claws my legs, if I move it over she goes after my typing fingers, until she realizes she can still claw my legs. See the common thread of all that? My legs are being clawed to no end today.... No matter if I put her on the other side of the couch, the chair, or the room even she just comes back to my lap. She is crazy....

On to the real blog assuming I can get through it without any blood from the cat who is now licking my arm.....(she's learned a thing or two from the dog). Today at work was not your typical doctors office day. We had a deposition. My oh my lawyors can be pricks, no way around that one. There were 3 lawyors in our office, a court reporter, and videographer, and of course the doctor and in the other room... me. I got to witness and listen to a lot of the deposition and one of the lawyors which in the end I would say asked the best questions even though he was very rude and tried to dictate and change the answers but Dr. B. stood strong. He had to answer questions for like 4 hours! It was a mess. The lawyor that was the meanest flipped out when he saw the office and wanted a bigger room, he told him oh well LoL because that is all we had. That was about the extent of my work day, but it was different and very crazy the way a deposition is handled if you have never seen one, it's quite a feat to watch and know when things are being recorded and on and off record and all that fun stuff. I even saw Dr. B run, now that was funny haha :) He was looking for charts to show a particular injury. It went well and seems to show that our patient will most likely win his suit.

While we are blogging I have to mention and Kevin and I need to coordinate the getting off early or late thing a little better. It seems when I get off early he gets off late and vice versa. Take today for example he left at like 630 this morning and won't be home until tomorrow night. Today I was off by 2pm. In the meantime we just do what we can haha :) It is offical we are moving at the end of November and we cannot wait. I want to know that if we are both working how are we going to get packed? Any volunteers? We'd love the company haha :)


Anonymous said...

Can you say "DE CLAW"? I know some people think it is cruel, but living with a cat that has their front claws is cruel. We had both of our cats declawed (front only) - and we're much happier for it, so is our furniture and skin.... Course, if she's an outdoor cat, I definitely would NOT declaw, because then they have no defense. But if you are keeping her inside, definitely consider it. Its worth it.

Hey, Kev- we're both 4-0 in FFL! YAY! We'll have to meet at some time. I'm looking forward to the day! ooh rah!

Kevin and Shelly said...

DE CLAW is def in Roxie's future. That is for sure. When we take her for her visit to the vet we are asking how old she has to be for it to be done. She is an indoor kitty and plans are for her to stay that way so we are def. getting rid of those claws