Monday, October 29, 2007

No, we did not fall off the face of the world

This has been a crazy week. Kevin's Nanna was sick in the hospital and so we were in Lubbock for a few days (that is two hours south of here for those non texans) Her kidneys were failing her and causing her to be septic. In the end the medication was stopped and she was made comfy with no more blood pressure cuffs (you know how bad those automatic ones hurt) and given a little morphine. The doctors thought it wouldn't take more than an hour or so. Being the trooper she was Nanna made it 9 or so hours before taking her last breath peacefully. We returned to Amarillo for a day or two to get things together and returned to Lubbock yesterday for the services which were held today. She is in a musoment (who knows how to spell it I think it's supposed to be a mix of museum and monument) She is in the same one with her hubby who passed many years ago. I had never seen this type of thing above ground. In puerto rico they sort of have a family tomb underground where the entire family is buried and once they have decayed their remains are put in a smaller container and put away kind of like a book shelf to make room for the newly deceased. Of course I have seen a grave so this was a very new concept for me. There were no tombstones in the sense that I know them. They were metal and almost like a plauge with a spot for a vase to put flowers. I have digressed enough. The services were very nice. Kevin was a pallbearer along with his 3 cousins and his dad. He was able to see some of his family that he hasn't seen in awhile but under unfortunate circumstances. We drove home today afterwards and it's back to work tomorrow.

Onto better news.... Kevin and I are moving this month into the house that Kevin grew up in and we will be staying there for awhile lol we are so not into moving a whole lot more haha it's dramatic. We have a few things to do and get ready but it should be in the next few weeks. More on that later as things progress and we know a little more about what is going on.

Update on Sam and Roxie.... Well with Roxie being away for a week (we had her kittysat by our friends while we were going away) they seem to have to start all over with their friendship and there is much barking and hissing going on but it'll get better. Atleast Roxie remembers she still loves us and is very cuddly still so that is good.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Learn to not expect anything exciting here :)

Speaking of my title, I can never think of anything good to lead off with, which sometimes means I can't think of anything to write about. I know that some of our blogs are well not exciting to say the least but hey you are family or a friend, or maybe a future friend so you should love it just the same :)

Okay now onto what's new is our world. We are moving in November sometime (which I think I vaguely remember already mentioning) for sure. It is very exciting to be getting out of this one bedroom apartment. Our animals are getting along, although today was roxies first trip to the vet and she was not a happy kitty in any sense of the word, and boy did she let me know it she was LOUD and SHAKING like crazy I felt so bad. In 3 weeks she has to go back, so we are going to see if it is better if we take her and sammy together so we'll see how that goes. In the meantime we are just trying to go through some of our stuff that we have collected and don't need/want, and getting our stuff ready to move. I am also excited about painting and picking colors and all that fun stuff. That is about all I have right now. Nothing like a friday night blogging before we go bowling with our friends but not for another couple of hours.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

what are you thinking roxie?

Okay so this wasn't what I planned to blog about today but the cat is going crazy! She is hiding in my legs under the laptop where I am sitting indian style. If I put the laptop over her head she hits it with her head and claws my legs, if I move it over she goes after my typing fingers, until she realizes she can still claw my legs. See the common thread of all that? My legs are being clawed to no end today.... No matter if I put her on the other side of the couch, the chair, or the room even she just comes back to my lap. She is crazy....

On to the real blog assuming I can get through it without any blood from the cat who is now licking my arm.....(she's learned a thing or two from the dog). Today at work was not your typical doctors office day. We had a deposition. My oh my lawyors can be pricks, no way around that one. There were 3 lawyors in our office, a court reporter, and videographer, and of course the doctor and in the other room... me. I got to witness and listen to a lot of the deposition and one of the lawyors which in the end I would say asked the best questions even though he was very rude and tried to dictate and change the answers but Dr. B. stood strong. He had to answer questions for like 4 hours! It was a mess. The lawyor that was the meanest flipped out when he saw the office and wanted a bigger room, he told him oh well LoL because that is all we had. That was about the extent of my work day, but it was different and very crazy the way a deposition is handled if you have never seen one, it's quite a feat to watch and know when things are being recorded and on and off record and all that fun stuff. I even saw Dr. B run, now that was funny haha :) He was looking for charts to show a particular injury. It went well and seems to show that our patient will most likely win his suit.

While we are blogging I have to mention and Kevin and I need to coordinate the getting off early or late thing a little better. It seems when I get off early he gets off late and vice versa. Take today for example he left at like 630 this morning and won't be home until tomorrow night. Today I was off by 2pm. In the meantime we just do what we can haha :) It is offical we are moving at the end of November and we cannot wait. I want to know that if we are both working how are we going to get packed? Any volunteers? We'd love the company haha :)