Wednesday, August 20, 2008

School anyone?

So you know the fun part about starting school on your birthday? Well once they find out they want to sing to you... As many of you know when I am in a new and unfamiliar situation I'm a little quiet and shy, and so by fun I mean totally embarrassing!

In case you didn't get it... I started school, well not so much school as "boot camp" for nursing school. Basically they tell you about a few things you'll be doing and give you a tour of the classrooms, practice labs, and testing areas. Our class is HUGE, the biggest ever for Amarillo College. There are over 100 students, and out of them I actually know one LoL.

Monday starts my full school schedule, I'm excited but nervous. I am only going to work at PAC on an "as needed" basis on days I agree upon, no more working every weekend and crazy hours. I will be working thurs and fridays at the surgery center, and class, or time for practice labs on the other days.

Really for now though I am hoping I feel better by then! Who wants to start school with a sinus infection? OOhh OOhh not me! Speaking of I am thinking they are going to send me to an ENT because this is my third one since the middle of June...

Friday, August 15, 2008

More about vacation

As our vacation progressed things went alright. We enjoyed the boardwalk, putzed around Salisbury, and just hung out. We did head up to Philly for a short trip to see Adam and Megan. They thoroughly enjoyed the gift of a Cowboys shirt for their Nublet to wear :-D Okay okay so maybe not but we all got a kick out of it, considering they are Eagles fans so Kev and Adam were negotiating when Nublet could wear it.

Our trip home was interesting, we arrived super early as always when I am paranoid about not having directions to the rental car return (which turned out to be super easy, I got lost last time), traffic and other unexpected problems. So we checked in our luggage and went to get some early dinner and wait for our flight. We board on time and are leaving, and all of a sudden we stop on the runway, and sit there. Apparently there were storms in our route and no planes could fly... so an hour and a half later we FINALLY took off. We worried about making our connecting flight... We landed in Dallas about 15 minutes before our connection was scheduled to take off. As luck would have it we were at the BACK of the plane and were almost the last people off. We were nearly running through the airport. As we approached our gate, it was dim, the ticket agent was gathering his things and walking away, luckily towards us. He asked if we were going to Amarillo and we are like YES! and so he calls them and lets us get on where we have to sit in the front row like when you are in trouble on the school bus.

While the guy was preparing a paper, and glancing over a tickets, I inquired if our luggage would make it. He said oh the luggage usually makes it way before the passengers. I was like okay, fairly confident that my luggage would arrive with me in Amarillo. We land in Amarillo an hour later and watch the luggage go round and round, none of them belonging to us... We kept waiting and waiting, finally overhead we hear "This is all of the luggage from the American flight, if yours is not here come to the office" UGH! We go stand in line behind two other people and have to give our information and they look up our luggage which I guess did NOT make it to the plane as fast as we (the passengers) did. Must be because the luggage can't run like we can! LoL Thursday they delivered the luggage to Kevin at his work. When I got off from my second job I was looking for the luggage and Kev says oh oops I forgot it... So I didn't have my stuff for another night, oh well. Everything (Kev, the luggage, and me) all made it back to Amarillo safely and back to work we went, both working sixteen hours our first day back.

PS: I am officially a Nursing student, paid tuition and all!

Friday, August 8, 2008


Kev and I made it to Maryland!! We have had a perfect vacation so far (so not the norm for us) and things are falling right into place. We enjoyed the trees on our ride from the airport, and both of us had forgotten just how many there are here! So far we've seen five members of our family. Most of which we'll see this weekend. Today we are headed to the beach I think, of course after a great breakfast my dad is cooking for us. For most of the days we are kind of taking things as they go and having a good time. We haven't made many set in stone plans to allow for our vacation!

While you are working we will be soaking up the sun, and enjoying not working, which I might add we've done more than our share this summer and are totally enjoying just kicking back!